Gipsy Troc Party #08

Vos Merveilles continuent d'arriver, je suis éblouie par tant de créativité et de tant de générosité!
Je vous en remercie chaleureusement chacune.

Martine E.

Danielle D.

Betyle E.

Mercedes  C.

Josiane R.

Françoise D.

Josiane R.

Annelise H.

7 commentaires :

  1. ne sais plus faire de commentaires...
    manque de vocabulaire!
    voudrais pas être membre du jury (o;)))

  2. oh! la!la! il faut que je m'y mette mais vais je faire aussi beau? il y a de vraies artistes!bravo !

  3. C'est une bonne idée que c'est échange qui permet de voir tant de beaux ouvrages

  4. Merci beaucoup Gipsy, ça me fait plaisir de retrouver ma petite Cueilleuse d'étoiles ! Et bravo à toutes les participantes, c'est sympa cette diversité d'ouvrages ! Bise et bon WE !

  5. Gipsy, I mailed my block to you today. It is coming by airmail and I hope it arrives in time. I included: the block, the information card you asked for and a photocopy of the block with the information card. When I arrived at the post office, I noticed that I did not have your Postal Code, but all is well; I looked it up on my cell phone! Please let me know when it arrives; I am very excited about my block going on such an interesting trip!

    I made a block before, but cut it after embroidering, so the seam allowance on one side is too close to the embroidery and on the other side is much too wide. I will use it in something for me, so it will not be wasted.

    I have not embroidered for some years now, but am excited about it again, now that I have tried my hand at these. I forgot to include the materials information: The square is 100% cotton velveteen, in a lovely, very dark green. I washed it before I began and then washed the square after I was finished. I am looking forward to seeing the finished quilt! I called it "Basket of small daisies", which translates to "corbeille de petites marguerites".


Merci de votre visite :-)